Estrogen replacement therapy also known as menopause replacement therapy is a medically proven therapy that helps adult woman compensate the low production of estrogen in their body. A woman’s hormones will start to decrease in output due to age and genetics. Estrogen is mainly produced in the ovaries and it is known as the primary female sex hormone.
At Russald in Tijuana, Mexico we use two main replacement therapies: through Estrogen pellets and cream. Treatment is selected once the patient is undergoing lab tests.
Other biodentical hormone replacement therapies at our Tijuana, Mexico clinic include, adult Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT, and Progesterone Replacement Therapy PRT.
Who needs estrogen replacement therapy?
Estrogen is considered to play a significant role in woman’s overall health. Sudden estrogen withdrawal and periods of sustained low level estrogen production will correlate with significant mood lowering. When woman start menopause most of their estrogen levels have dropped significantly and experience many changes that affect their daily life routine.Estrogen has anti-inflammatory properties, it accelerates metabolism, produces maintenance of vessel and skin, and most importantly it reduces stress and regulates mood related behaviors. Estrogen replacement therapy will help compensate the low production of estrogen in the body and increase optimal body performance.
Is low estrogen therapy right for me?
Symptoms of low estrogen production levels include hot flashes and night sweats, fatigue, low energy, low libido, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, dry hair and skin, bloating, weight gain, and trouble sleeping, such as insomnia and sleepwalking.
cost is $350* USD
Estrogen Replacement Therapy is used by adult woman searching for a positive difference in their quality of life. Some of the most noticeable changes include relief of menopausal symptoms, reduced risk of heart disease, improved brain function, help avoid osteoporosis, improved skin and muscle tone, and higher sexual activity performance.
To receive Estrogen Replacement Therapy, patients need to undergo medical analysis to determine health conditions including the current levels of estrogen in the body to determine the correct dosage and procedure needed for their treatment.
At Russald Mexico Clinic, we use three natural ways to increase low estrogen production. Our main system and the one preferred by most of our patients is the Estrogen Cream, which is compounded according to the patients’ needs by one of our specialized pharmacies, though estrogen pellets and estrogen injections.